
July 17, 2023 6:50 am Published by

The bathroom, which was originally in a worn-out condition, has undergone a revitalizing transformation, emerging as a new and improved space. Through this renovation, the bathroom has been reimagined into a comfortable and functional area.

The new bathroom stands out with its cleanliness and brightness. The removal of antiquated elements and the introduction of new features have contributed to a more beautiful and practical bathroom. This change has elevated the experience of daily activities such as bathing and personal grooming, making them more comfortable and enjoyable.





In the previously dim shower room without a ventilation fan, we installed a ventilation fan with built-in lighting and added a rain head type shower head. This has resulted in improved brightness, making the space more user-friendly than before.換気扇のなかった暗いシャワールームに、ライトが付いた換気扇を取り付け、レインヘッドタイプのシャワーヘッドを設置しました。これにより、以前よりも照明が明るくなり、利用しやすくなりました。


We installed a tall cabinet to provide storage space. The vanity, featuring a floating design, helps create the illusion of a more spacious area and contributes to a modern aesthetic. To enhance the overall look, we added a mirror with integrated lighting, ensuring that the person’s face is brightly illuminated.高さのあるキャビネットを取り付け収納スペースを確保。 洗面台は、浮いたものを使用することで空間を広く見せることができ、 仕上がりもモダンになりました。 鏡は、映る人の顔が明るく照らされる 照明付きの鏡を取り付けました。


The heat vent cover utilizes the same tiles as the floor, and a specially designed cover has been adopted to ensure a flat surface.空調の出口のカバーは、床と同じタイルを使用し、平らになるように特別なデザインのカバーが採用されました。



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